Not only that though, the animated ships and speeders flying overhead also help give the map that bustling city feel. The atmosphere of the map has been captured perfectly from the polluted fog that hangs over the map to the bright neon signs (many of which are also animated). The map itself looks almost identical to the source material and the various sides that come with the map are all well polished and many have new weapons too. As with all of Sereja's work, this map is visually stunning and features tons of new props, textures and effects. The map takes a lot of inspiration from Nar Shaddaa's appearances in the PS2/Wii version of The Force Unleashed as well as the levels in Jedi Outcast. Just by the author, you can probably guess how this review is going to turn out. WATCH IN HD! This is Nar Shaddaa: Vertical City, another SWBF1 map from, you guessed it, Sereja.